About SS6 Weather
SS6 Weather is the website for my home-made weather station. The weather station is located in Rayleigh, Essex and has been collecting data since February 2022.
The project initially came about when my shop-bought weather station finally broke after over 10 years of valiant service. Wanting to get into a career in computing, I decided to create my own weather station from scratch, which has morphed into a project with many different parts using different technologies.
The website is still in the early stages of development and is continually being added to and refined. Proper mobile support is coming soon!
For more information about the technical details of the weather station, as well as all of the technologies used to make it happen, click here (Coming soon)
Current Limitations
Whilst the weather station has already collected a lot of information, I cannot guarantee its accuracy, mainly due to the suboptimal positioning as compared to a professional station. However, it still gives a good idea of the local weather conditions.
When looking at the data collected, have in mind the following limitations:
- The temperature sensor may sometimes under-read, as it is located fairly close to the ground, in a shady north-facing spot (approximately 1 metre above the ground).
- The anemometer (wind speed sensor) is not located high enough to get an accurate wind speed (it reads slower than it should) or to be away from interference of nearby buildings.
- Similarly, the wind direction sensor is also affected by nearby buildings, which causes it to predominantly read wind direction as coming from the south (northerly and easterly wind directions appear to be most accurate).
- The rain gauge is located in the shadow of nearby buildings, causing it to under-read when the wind is in certain directions.
Email: admin@ss6weather.co.uk